You will stay at Luxury Hotels (or the best available hotel in a particular area). You will travel by the best available mode of transportation in the country, and we will recommend only the best eating establishments. If necessary, you will be attended by our recommended doctors at recommended health care facilities. You will be accompanied by an experienced local guide.
You will stay at 3 star hotels (of international rating). These hotels will be comfortable, safe and clean. You will travel by the best available mode of transportation, including boat, bus or train. We will recommend good and safe eating establishments. If necessary, you will be attended by our recommended doctors at recommended health care facilities. You will be accompanied by an experienced local guide (Optional).
You will stay at 1 or 2 star standard hotels. These hotels will be comfortable, safe and clean. You will travel by your choice of ground transportation, i.e. train, cars, bus etc. (Optional). We will recommend good and safe eating establishments. You will be accompanied by an experienced local guide (Optional).